Ebay Scams...
Below are our articles on the subject of Ebay Scams. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Counterfeit Software
Counterfeit software, how it works, what it means, how to identify counterfeit software and how to avoid beng scammed...

EBay Auto Scams
Internet auctions have become one of the biggest shopping venues for used cars. EBay. Whilst most transactions go smoothly, you need to be alert and aware of the dangers....

Ebay Billing Scam
A new variation on the phishing scam involves a mail from EBay saying your card has been declined....

Ebay Buy and Switch Scam
The EBay buy and switch scam is a variant of an old mail order trick. It's sly, and very difficult to detect. Here's what to watch for....

EBay Escrow Scams
The use of escrow has become more common for high-ticket items on EBay. It acts as a safeguard for both buyer and seller. But, inevitably, with the rise of escrow as a…...

EBay Feedback Scam
EBay traders rely not only on their goods, but their feedback reputation. But unscrupulous dealers manipulate their feedback to gain trust before ripping off trusting…...

Ebay Second Chance Scam
One of the most prevalent frauds on EBay is the second-chance scam. We show you how to identify it and avoid being a victim....

Music Lessons Scam
If you're a private music teacher, you need to be aware of a scam that's doing the rounds which could end up costing you money. It's a neat, very specific little…...